EXID Chords Masterlist

EXID (이엑스아이디)

2022 | 20202019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 20152014
29 September 2022
1. Fire (불이나)Korean/Romanized
2. IDK (I Don’t Know)
3. Leggo
4. Fire (English Version)
22 October 2020
18 Again (18 어게인)
OST Pt.4
One Person (한사람)Korean/Romanized
15 May 2019
1. Me & You – Romanized
2. We Are..
3. The Vibe (아끼지마)
4. How You Doin’ (어떻게지내)
5. Midnight (나의밤)
21 November 2018
I Love You
1. I Love You (알러뷰) – Romanized
7 November 2017
Full Moon
1. DDD (덜덜덜) – Romanized
2. Too Good to Me
3. Dreamer (꿈에)
4. Alice (feat. PINKMOON)
5. Weeknd
6. Foolish (서툰 이별)
10 April 2017
1. Boy
2. Night Rather Than Day (낮보다는 밤)Romanized
3. How Why
4. Milk (우유)
5. Velvet
1 June 2016
1. Don’t Want a Drive (데려다줄래)
2. L.I.E (엘라이)Korean/Romanized
3. I Know (알면서)
4. Hello
5. Cream
6. 3%
7. Only One
8. Of Course (당연해)
9. Are You Hungry (냠냠쩝쩝)
10. Like the Seasons (여름, 가을, 겨울, 봄)
11. Good
17 April 2015
Hot Pink
1. Hot Pink – Korean/Romanized
13 April 2015
Ah Yeah
1. Ah Yeah (아예)Korean/Romanized
2. A Sul Hae/Thrilling (아슬해)
3. Todak Todak/Pat Pat (토닥토닥)
4. Without U
5. 1M
6. Every Night (Ver. 2)
27 August 2014
Up & Down
1. Up & Down (위아래) – Korean/Romanized

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