Buzz Chords Masterlist

Buzz (버즈)

19 November 2016
[STATION] Sweet Dream – Min Kyunghoon (민경훈)
1. Sweet Dream (나비잠)Korean/Romanized
21 October 2016
The K2 (더케이투) – Min Kyunghoon (민경훈)
OST Pt.4
Love YouKorean/Romanized
3 March 2005
Buzz Effect
1. A Coward (겁쟁이)
2. Judgment (벌)
3. 1st
4. Lie (거짓말)
5. Trip to Myself (나에게로 떠나는 여행)
6. Funny Rock
7. It Won’t Be Me (내가 아니죠)
8. Thorn (가시)Korean/Romanized
9. Memorandum/Song for 20 (비망록/스물의 노래)
10. Tomorrow
11. Diary (일기)
10 October 2003
Morning of Buzz
1. MonologueKorean/Romanized
2. Maybe (어쩌면…)
3. 1st
4. B 612
5. The…
6. Love After Love (사랑 뒤의 사랑)
7. Promise (약속)
8. Hope of A Girl (어느 소녀의 희망)
9. Live Well (잘 살아요)
10. Go Away (가버려!)
11. It’s U
12. To. Fan
13. Morning Of Buzz

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