Xdinary Heroes Fanchant Index

Xdinary Heroes (엑스디너리히어로즈)

30 April 2024
1. No Matter
2. Little Things (어리고 부끄럽고 바보 같은)
3. Undefined
4. Paint It
5. Money On My Mind
6. Dreaming Girl (꿈을 꾸는 소녀)
7. Until the End of Time
8. Walking to the Moon
9. Moneyball
10. Night of Fireworks (불꽃놀이의 밤)
11 October 2023
26 April 2023
1. Come into my head
2. Freakin’ Bad
3. Bicycle
4. checkmate
5. Good enough
6. Man in the Box
7. Dear H.
11 November 2022
1. Zzz.. (잠꼬대)
2. Hair Cut
3. Lunatic
4. Crack in the mirror
5. Ghost
6. X-MAS
20 July 2022
Hello, world!
1. Test Me
2. Knock Down
3. Sucker Punch!
4. Strawberry Cake
5. Pirates
6 December 2021
Happy Death Day

Kpop Chords & Fanchant
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